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Insurance Products Offered
Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet
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Banking, Annuities
Alex Escobar
Office Hours
East Brunswick, NJ 08816-4906
Across from Brunswick Square mall
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Insurance Products Offered
Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet
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Banking, Annuities
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The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving
What's at stake if you're caught drunk driving? A lot. These tips help you avoid the dangers of drinking and driving.
How to reach your retirement goals
How to reach your retirement goals
Whether the amount is big or small, use this simple retirement calculator to figure how much you need to save each month to reach your goal.
Help protect yourself from contractor scams
Help protect yourself from contractor scams
Shady contractors and home repair scams can cost you. Discover tips to protect yourself from repair scams by learning how to spot home repair fraud.
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Beth Polychrones
Office Manager
License #1689954
Born and raised in Northern Virginia, I moved to New Jersey in 2005. After spending over 20-years in Property Management, I truly understand why it is so important to have insurance. In 2018 I left Property Management and came to work with my husband of 20 years, Alex Escobar. I am an experienced manager with a demonstrated history of working in marketing and building strong customer relations. I currently hold my Property, Casualty, and Life licenses. I am dedicated in making sure each customer is treated as if they were my only customer and strive to make them feel like part of the State Farm family.
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Joe Artiles
Account Representative
License #1296681
I am the son of Dominican parents. Both of parents are pastors which is where I was taught the importance of family and faith. I started my career in customer service where I learned when it comes to selling I always put the customer first, it is their goals that matter most to help fulfill their dreams and goals. After having my first child I felt the need to push myself to further my career and I found that with Alex Escobar in 2011. I am licensed in Property, Casualty, and Life. I am fluent in English and Spanish and love being part of and helping to serve the Spanish community. In my free time I love spending time with my wife and 3 children.
Soy un hijo de padres Dominicanos. Comenze mi Carrera aqui con Alex Escobar en el 2011. Mi primer enfoque es assistir el cliente con todo lo que necesite y ayudarlos a alcanzar sus suenos. Tengo licensia para seguros de carros, casa, y seguro de Vida. Estamos aqui a su orden.
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Anne Prates
Customer Relations Representative
I was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil where I started my career as an Administrative Assistant. I moved to New Jersey in 2006 and was a nanny prior to joining Alex in 2017. . I enjoy the challenge of selling a range of financial service products or setting up the right loan by educating my customers on the product that would fit their needs and pocket. I am fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese and love being part of and helping to serve the Spanish and Portuguese communities. I have 4 beautiful children and enjoy traveling back home to visit my family and friends in Brazil. In my free time I love spending time with my little son.
Nasci em Porto Alegre, Brasil, onde iniciei a minha carreira como Assistente Administrativo. Mudei para New Jersey em 2006 e fui babysitter antes de me juntar a equipe do Alex em 2017. . Tenho 4 filhos lindos, 1 menina e 3 meninos , e sempre que posso gosto de viajar ao meu pais , para visitar a minha família e amigos no Brasil.
Es gratificante estudar e oferecer os produtos de serviço financeiro ou de criar o empréstimo certo, educando os meus clientes sobre o produto que se melhor se encaixa às suas necessidades e bolso. Sou fluente em inglês, espanhol e português e adoro fazer parte e ajudar a servir as comunidades brasileira, Latina e Portuguese. Sempre disposta a ajuda los.
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Maddy Jaquez
Account Representative
License #3000553984
I been part of Alex's team for ten years now, I hold my casualty, property and life license. I was born in the Dominican Republic and have been part of the new Brunswick community for over 28 years. I’m also a mommy of two beautiful girls, which my main focus in the office is LIFE insurance, as a parent your main concern is protecting your children. I am also fluent in English and Spanish. I take great pride on working for Alex and State Farm, helping my customers not just with their needs but making sure they also leave with the knowledge of the coverage we have provided them with.
Tengo el placer de estar en la ofician de Alex por 10 anos. Tengo mi licencia de casualty, property y life. Naci en la Repubica Dominicana, tengo ya 28 anos parte de la communidad de New Brunswick. Soy la madre de dos preciosa ninas, la cual mi enfoque en la oficina son las poliza de VIDA, porque para mi lo mas importante son nuestros hijos y nuestra familia y asegurando que el dia de manana mi familia este protegida, tambien soy bilingue hablo los dos idimosa espanol y el ingles. Tomo mucho orgullo en representar la oficina y ayaudar mis clientes con su necesidades y no solo en su necesidaded pero tambien que puedan entender la poliza que llevan con ellos.
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Juana Morgan
Account Representative
License #1601064
I am a highly skilled professional with over 20 years of experience in Telecom, Real Estate, Tax preparation and Insurance industries which has allowed me to interact and build relationships with customers across vast ethnicities. I have been working at Alex Escobar office since 2015 and are currently licenses in Property, Casualty, and Life. My main goal is to help people to understand their coverages at the time select a policy. Life insurance has become one of my biggest passions to work with. I found out that sometimes people don’t make smart decisions to protect their loved ones or themselves due to being ill-informed. I was born in Dominican Republic and am fluent in Spanish and English. I am very proud to be part of the Alex Escobar team and State Farm company.
Soy una professional altamente calificada con mas de 20 anos de experiencia en telecomunicaciones, bienes raices, preparacion de impuestos, y Seguro (todo tipo excepto de salud) lo cual me ha permitido interactuar y crear buenas relaciones con personas de diferentes razas y tipo social. Comenze a trabajar para la oficina de Alex Escobar desde el año 2015.Actulamente poseo licencia para vender Seguro (todo tipo excepto de salud) Mi objetivo principal es ayudar al cliente a entender sus coverturas al momento de seleccionar una poliza. Seguro de vida se ha convertido en una de mis mayores passiones, ya que me he dado cuenta que muchas veces las personas no toman una buena decision al momento de protejer a sus seres queridos y protejerse as mismos por no estar informadas. Naci en Republica Dominicana, hablo y escribe Ingles y Espanol. Estoy orgullosa de formar parte de la oficina de Alex y la compania de State Farm.
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Ponsee Ibrahim
Account Representative
License #3001215305
I was born in Egypt, Cairo., I moved to New Jersey in 2011. I have one older brother. Family is the most important thing to me. I am a recent college graduate,. I graduated from Montclair state university in 2020. I have been working with customer service for a while now but I have been with Alex’s office for over a year now. I am fluent in English and Arabic. I am licensed in Property, Casualty, and life. I love helping the Egyptian community, especially since there is a language barrier and I am glad I could help. Working with Alex’s office has taught me the importance of insurance and how dedicated we are to help customers make the right decision to protect all their assets.
ولدت في مصر بالقاهرة ، وانتقلت إلى نيوجيرسي عام 2011. لدي أخ أكبر. الأسرة هي أهم شيء بالنسبة لي. أنا حديث التخرج من الكلية. تخرجت من جامعة ولاية مونتكلير في عام 2020. أعمل مع خدمة العملاء منذ فترة ولكني أعمل مع مكتب أليكس منذ أكثر من عام الآن. أنا أجيد اللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية. أنا مرخص في الممتلكات والإصابات والحياة. أحب مساعدة المجتمع المصري ، خاصة وأن هناك عائقًا لغويًا ويسرني أنني أستطيع المساعدة. لقد علمني العمل مع مكتب Alex أهمية التأمين ومدى تفانينا في مساعدة العملاء على اتخاذ القرار الصحيح لحماية جميع أصولهم.
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Andrea Colmenarez Baggio
Account Representative
License #3001226132
I was born and raised in Venezuela. I came from Venezuelan and Italian parents. I’m fluent in Spanish, English and Italian. I moved to USA in 2019. I have a degree in accounting. I also worked closely with my family business that helped me excel with my customer service skills. I joined Alex and his team in 2021. I currently hold my Casualty, Property and Life licenses. Working for Alex and his office has given me the opportunity to learn and enjoy helping our clientele. Coming from such a big family helps me realize the importance of Life insurance. Making sure our customers are protected are my main priority and when our customers leave our office they feel their made the right choice.
Nací y crecí en Venezuela. vengo de padres venezolanos e italianos. Hablo español inglés e italiano con fluidez. Me mudé a EE. UU. en 2019. Tengo un título en contabilidad. También ayudé con mi propio negocio familiar que me ayudó a sobresalir con mis servicios al cliente. Me uno a Alex y su equipo hace un año. Actualmente tengo mi licencia de Accidentes, Propiedad y Vida. Trabajar para Alex y su oficina me ha dado la oportunidad de aprender y disfrutar ayudando a nuestro cliente. Viniendo de una familia tan grande, la especialidad son los seguros de Vida. Asegurarme de que nuestros clientes estén protegidos, mi principal prioridad es que cuando nuestros clientes dejen nuestra oficina sientan que tomaron la mejor decisión.